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A Job Scheduling Software For You

With Eworks Manager, scheduling your jobs could not be any easier. We have a virtual whiteboard that allows you to see all your jobs that have been booked in. When grouping staff, you can either manage your sales team for appointments or your workforce for installations.

We have three different views. The first is the day view which gives you a day by day views of all your jobs. Then we have a working week view which allows you to see where you have gaps in your working week to fit in more jobs. And lastly, we have a full week view which includes weekends for companies that don't close over weekend.

All you need to do in our job scheduling software is simply drag jobs into a slot and enter a description- it is as simple as that. These jobs are then fully integrated into the CMMS so that you can manage existing jobs by moving them to the requested times. This action will also automatically alert the user that their appointment has changed.

Eworks Manager Planner - Your virtual whiteboard that streamlines your scheduling to help you become more efficient. If you'd like to find out more about our Job Scheduling Software, please give the team at Eworks Manager a call today!

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