Monitor Your Business's Stock Purchases, Van Stock and Your Warehouse Inventory All in One System. For a 14-Day Free Trial, click here!
Inventory & Stock Management System - The Most Efficient Stock Control System Designed For Your Technical Service Business
Have Better Control Over Stock's Movements and Manage Supplies from One System
Field Service and Trades companies often hold stock in their warehouse or use their work vehicles as mobile storage. Materials are often ordered to be delivered directly to the job site, but other parts or items that are frequently used are ordered into stock to be allocated to jobs from the warehouse. Keeping track of materials can be tricky when each technician's van is used as a stock location, so it's difficult to know the specific number of items in stock. Incorrect data collection or stocktake can lead to over or under ordering supplies. This can cause job costing errors as materials used from the mobile technician's van are not always controlled or recorded as a cost to the business.
Eworks Manager can help you manage and monitor your business’s stock levels, as well as inventory that has been moved off-premises for jobs. Effortlessly manage stock that has been committed to jobs in progress and what you have available in your warehouse. Our stock management software will help you prepare for projects and know exactly what stock is needed for upcoming jobs.

Effortlessly Manage and Monitor your Warehouse and Van Stock
By using Eworks Manager to manage and monitor each of your job site's stock locations, stock replenishment becomes an easy task. With total stock and stock value visible for each location, your staff will know exactly what stock each warehouse or mobile location has - minimizing the events of over-stocking or under-stocking.

Processing Purchase Orders and Incoming Stock
Our system keeps a record of all your Purchase Order information, whether it be ordering stock for a job or a location. With our Stock Management System, you can capture partial deliveries and invoices from your suppliers. This will ensure that you have all the stock you ordered. Tracking ordered stock also becomes easy with our software. Select the location from a drop-down, which automatically updates the location’s stock count and inventory levels.

Move or Transfer Stock from One Location to The Next
When stock assigned to a job is not available in the mobile worker's van, the system will automatically generate a picking list for the worker to collect from the warehouse. The office admin can easily create picking lists to move stock from one location to another. This way, the system can adjust stock values for each location and keep a full stock migration history.

Keeping a Full Inventory History
Eworks Manager's system keeps a full history of picking lists planned for job locations, stock ordered from your suppliers or when staff add or remove stock from specific locations. This allows you to refer back if any issues arise around the stock.

The Complete Business System
Some additional features that would benefit your business
Stock Management Software FAQs
Eworks Manager's Inventory Management System helps your organisation keep track of materials in your warehouse or stock room. Our system can track mobile stock in your company vans, as we understand that many service businesses use their vehicles for storage on the move.
Your team can create picking lists to move stock from one place to another. The system then adjusts stock values for each location and keeps a full history of stock moved. This is a wonderfulfeature for any service business that needs to monitor their stock based at multiple sites, including inside their work vans.
Stock Management Software improves the accuracy of material orders. The system will help you estimate how much stock you have on-hand and helps prevent stock shortages or overstocking in the warehouse. Your team can use the Eworks Manager Mobile App to log the stock that has been taken out so that it can be replaced in the next order from suppliers. Our system will help your business keep an organised warehouse at all times.
Stock Control is also imperative because your business can keep track of lost supplies or instantly recognise stock theft. When you have full control over your inventory levels, your business will never have to delay jobs waiting for orders. Managing your inventory with an accurate system will save time and money.